
Fedhill is a major player in treasury management in the US and across the world. Liquidity management has become very challenging for institutional and corporate clients. We provide well-adapted and clear solutions to investors seeking products combining liquidity and performance1 in an increasingly restrictive and low return environment.

Investment philosophy

Our philosophy is based on a conservative approach. Our key priorities are aligned with what our clients most require from a liquidity solutions fund: security, liquidity and performance consistency2.

Risk management at the forefront

Based on a longstanding expertise of more than 10 years, we have built a strong culture of liquidity and risk management. Risks management is based on rigorous procedures, strict guidelines and sophisticated tools.

The investment and risk teams are highly experienced. Providing products that clients can trust has placed us in a position of strength in weathering the financial crises of the last years

A responsible partner

Responsible Investment is one of Fedhill’s four founding pillars. To this end, Fedhill already filters out the companies obtaining the lowest ESG ratings from more than €15 billion of assets under management. Additionally, Fedhill manages more than €5.4 billion in responsible assets3, incorporating environmental, social and/or governance factors into investment decisions. Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI): in 2019, Fedhill was once again awarded the top rating A+4 for its Responsible Investment approach

Stratifying excess cash

Segmenting the time horizon of the cash needs should enable investors to manage their risk and optimise their returns by choosing the most appropriate investment solution for each segment of cash.