Truly Worldwide, Truly Active, Truly Responsible

An established and recognized expertise.

Fedhill’ Equities offers truly high conviction active management done responsibly. We combine our global resources and deep research capabilities with a strong local presence to serve our clients

—Head of Equities


An equity fund is a fund that typically invests primarily in stocks. The objective of an equity fund is generally to seek long-term capital appreciation and/or income from stocks. These funds may focus on certain sectors of the market or may have a specific investment style, such as investing in value or growth stocks.


For investors who are focused on the long-term and who know the risk factors, equity mutual funds may be a good source of capital appreciation or return on their investment. Investments typically fall into a range from “conservative” to “risky” and generally speaking equities (stocks) are on the riskier end of the spectrum. Equity mutual funds tend to focus their investment on various countries, regions, industries and investment styles as a way of seeking to diversify, or potentially mitigating spreading. There are a number of different types of equity mutual funds, each with their own characteristics and level of risk.

The bottom line is that before investing it’s important to understand the risks involved with the products you're considering and determine if they fit your comfort level. It is also important to know if your investment choices are in line with your investment objectives and time horizon